Sunday, July 13, 2014

Brasov 布拉索夫

Brașov is a city in Romania and the administrative centre of Brașov County.
According to the last Romanian census, from 2011, there were 253,200 people living within the city of Brașov, making it the 7th most populous city in Romania, and the metropolitan area is home to 369,896 residents.

Brașov is located in the central part of the country, about 166 kilometres north of Bucharest and 380 km from the Black Sea. It is surrounded by the Southern Carpathians and is part of the Transylvania region.
The city is notable for being the birthplace of the national anthem of Romania and for hosting the Golden Stag International Music Festival.


当地有很多历史建筑,当中不乏成为联合国教科文组织世界遗产之作。如当地着名的「黑教堂」(Biserica Neagră),就吸引了很多外国游客到来参观。此外,布拉索夫保留着一个传说是「吸血鬼德古拉」住过的城堡,令很多游客纷纷慕名而来,一探这个传说的究竟。此外,由于布拉索夫座落于南喀尔巴阡山脉的山脚,所以当地的山景也成为游客的观光热点。


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