Thursday, July 3, 2014

Bucharest 布加勒斯特

Bucharest is the capital municipality, cultural, industrial, and financial centre of Romania. It is the largest city in Romania, located in the southeast of the country, lies on the banks of the Dâmbovița River, less than 70 kilometres north of the Danube River.
Bucharest was first mentioned in documents in 1459. It became the capital of Romania in 1862 and is the centre of Romanian media, culture and art. In the period between the two World Wars, the city's elegant architecture and the sophistication of its elite earned Bucharest the nickname of "Little Paris" . Although buildings and districts in the historic city centre were heavily damaged or destroyed by war, earthquakes, and above all Nicolae Ceauşescu's program of systematization, many survived. In recent years, the city has been experiencing an economic and cultural boom.

According to 2011 census, 1,883,425 inhabitants live within the city limits, a decrease from the figure recorded at the 2002 census. The urban area extends beyond the limits of Bucharest proper and has a population of about 1.9 million people. Adding the satellite towns around the urban area, the proposed metropolitan area of Bucharest would have a population of 2.27 million people. According to Eurostat, Bucharest has a Larger Urban Zone of 2,151,880 residents. According to unofficial data, the population is more than 3 million.[10] Bucharest is the 6th largest city in the European Union by population within city limits, after London, Berlin, Madrid, Rome, and Paris.




Capitoline Wolf/Romulus And Remus

The National Art Museum of Romania - King Carol Statue Bucharest Romania

Memorial of Rebirth sculpture

广场上的尖型纪念碑,正是为纪念1989年推翻共产独裁元首乔尔希斯古(Nicolae Ceauescu)的牺牲者所设,斜后方则是前共产党总部大楼,是暴发革命时乔尔希斯古在阳台上做最后演说,群众却揭竿而起的关键现场。

The National Art Museum of Romania - King Carol Statue Bucharest Romania

Statue of Corneliu Coposu

The Statue of Vlad Tepes (the Impaler) is on Franceza Street in front of the ruins of the palace where he ruled in the middle 1500s.

The Royal Court or The Old Court Ensemble
Once the core of the economic life, a place where important royal buildings rise, the Old Court polarized for many centuries the economic, social and political life of the largest Romanian city.
Between the years 1458-1459 the Citadel of Bucharest was built over the foundations of the first fortress, documentary attested in the Official document of Vlad the Impaler from 20 September 1459.

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