Thursday, July 3, 2014

Bucharest - The Palace of Parliament 罗马尼亚议会宫

Built by Communist Party leader, Nicolae Ceausescu, the colossal Parliament Palace (formerly known as the People's Palace) is the second largest administrative building in the world after the Pentagon. It took 20,000 workers and 700 architects to build. The palace boasts 12 stories, 1,100 rooms, a 328-ft-long lobby and four underground levels, including an enormous nuclear bunker.

When construction started in 1984, the dictator intended it to be the headquarters of his government. Today, it houses Romania's Parliament and serves as an international conference centre. Built and furnished exclusively with Romanian materials, the building reflects the work of the country's best artisans.
A guided tour takes visitors through a small section of dazzling rooms, huge halls and quarters used by the Senate (when not in session). The interior is a luxurious display of crystal chandeliers, mosaics, oak paneling, marble, gold leaf, stained-glass windows and floors covered in rich carpets.

The Palace of Parliament it is the world's second-largest office building in surface (after the Pentagon) and the third largest in volume (after Cape Canaveral in the U.S. and the Great Pyramid in Egypt)

The crystal chandelier in the Human Rights Hall (Sala Drepturilor Omului) weighs 2.5 tons.
Some of the chandeliers have as many as 7,000 light bulbs.


1989年12月齐奥塞斯库政权刚刚被推翻的时候,有人提议干脆把整个大楼一炸了之,使齐奥塞斯库利用这一宏伟建筑为自己“树碑立传”的美梦彻底破灭,但如今议会宫却被视作罗马尼亚人民勤劳和智慧的结晶以及世界上体量最庞大的建筑之一 ,而被认为是这个国家二十世纪中最伟大的建筑。今天,凡是访罗的外国人,不论是来自当年视齐奥塞斯库为敌的西方国家,还是来自像中国这样一直同罗马尼亚保持良好关系的国家,总会去议会宫参观。罗马尼亚议会宫的建筑设计和施工均由罗马尼亚人自行完成,所用建材和家具多为罗本国生产。白色大理石,巨大的木门,明丽的水晶吊灯,鲜艳的手织地毯,构成了一幅富丽堂皇的精美画面。1994年5月,这里的一部份被辟为国际会议中心。2006年9月,罗马尼亚主办第11届法语国家首脑会议,法国总统希拉克,加拿大总理哈珀等63个国家元首,政府首脑与会,就是在议会宫召开的。


Nicolae Ceausescu 尼古拉-齐奥塞斯

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